You no longer need to travel to China spending thousands of dollars to learn from the source, the source has come to us in this wonderful event.
Master Yan Jun is the 6th generation of direct descendants of the Yang Family, pretty much responsables for the concept of what we now call Tai Chi Chuan, therefore it represents a unique opportunity to learn without intermediaries the essence of Tai Chi.
“Learn from Origin… to understand the essence” – Yang Family Mexico
For 3 days we will live and train the authentic Tai Chi Chuan with a sword, by the hand of its best representative in the world.
It is an isolation retreat to learn to the fullest the art of Tai Chi Chuan with Sword without luxuries, fraternal coexistence, seeking our personal development leaving aside the Ego, envy and sadness, we will enjoy a few days of peace, of sacrifice and spiritual development in the Benedictine Monastery of Cuernavaca Morelos.
The Retreat will take place in Cuernavaca, Morelos in a beautiful catholic monastery of Ocotepec, sign up now with any credit card by Paypal.
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Check out what real people says about the retreat:
For years I thought I would have to travel to China and spend a lot of money to be able to learn the authentic Tai Chi and Qi Gong, now thanks to these retreats China came to me.
This teachings of the grand masters have been key in my recovery from multiple sclerosis. After three years of practice I feel as if I had never gotten sick at all, great that these retreat exist.
The retreat with G.M. Yang has been a wonderful experience in such a nice weather, also gave me the opportunity to met a lot of new friends.
Check out more about us:
In Chinese international Tv
Memories from 2019 Retreat:
What to do in Cuernavaca:
You are here already for the retreat, and you wonder what to do around it? Check out the ever-spring city and Tepoztlan surroundings:
(Saturday noon our Van takes off to Tepoztlan and back on time for class)
Evento de carácter privado a puerta cerrada y sin fines de lucro, NRDA, ni los maestros ni los organizadores participantes obtienen ningún ingreso de estos eventos ya que todos los ingresos serán destinados a la realización del mismo y los ingresos restantes (si los hubiera) serán destinados al fondo de las asociaciones civiles Templo Shaolin de México y Monasterio Benedictino de Morelos.
Descubre más desde Kung Fu y Tai Chi en el Templo Shaolin de Mexico A.C.
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